Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Our Christmas Day

What a day we had!! Food, Family and Fun. We started the day with just the Esparzas and the FitzRandolphs. We opened presents then had a breakfast birthday party for Jesus. We forgot to take pictures of breakfast...I guess we didn't have enough coffee in us to be that functional yet :D Then it was time to get dressed and start cooking...oh, the turkey got into the oven late but it was probably a good thing; it was ready pretty much on time...I think. People started arriving and setting up the tables and chairs for dinner. Thank you to everyone who helped. Christmas for us couldn't happen unless there is alot of help. I'll start the pics.

Opening presents Esparzas and FitzRandolphs:

We don't have pictures of the cooking (read full kitchen) but we do have pics of dinner...the adult table anyway

We actually had a table for little kids, a table for the big kids and then a table for the food. There were 20 adults and 19 kids. We had some special guests, friends of my Dad. They are very nice and I was so glad to have them join us.



After dinner the tables come down and we open presents...oh my word, may I say chaos??? It is a fun time though, a good lesson in patience because we start with the youngest and go up to the oldest. This year we did do something we haven't done before (a suggestion of my Dad's which I hope we continue) we sang carols together as a family. Andy played the guitar. The next time Dawn and Matt are here it will be Andy and Matt playing together, right Matt?? :)

Jag and Geeta's little girl opening her gift

Mom and Dad made stilts for all little boys. Here are others trying them out...

...including Brad, I just happen to catch him at a bad moment. He really is quite good at them :)

Toward the evening, after some people had left, we played games. I made a mistake while reading something and we all laughed so hard. Some of us harder than others...I think we were a bit punchy by that point. It was so fun. Autumn is the one to encourage playing games...I'm so glad she does that. I love playing games but don't think about it. Thanks Aut.

And last but not least a picture of Papa and Elijah. I think we all felt this way at the end of the day. I love this picture!!

I hope all of you had a wonderful, God glorifying day, full of happy memories. I did, I think I agree with Erik...It was the best Christmas ever :D

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


I pray for each of my readers that they would remember why we celebrate today. The food, family, decorations, presents and all that go along with this celebration are fun and exciting. If it were not for the birth of Jesus the Messiah we would not have a reason to celebrate. If you know Him praise Him for His glorious gift and sacrifice...even leaving His Father to take on flesh was a sacrifice without even mentioning His ultimate gift, the giving of His life for you. If you don't know Him or have a personal relationship with Him, find Him and trust Him with your life. He is worthy!!!

Jesus-I thank you for coming to this sinful and sin-full world. I thank you for living a sinless life, for perfectly keeping the law that I can't keep. I thank you for then giving your life for mine, so your Father would adopt me into your family. You are amazing. I praise you!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Some people will do anything to get their Mom to post :D

my hair is: auburn with some dark brown and gray roots (time to go see Glynn)a bit longer than shoulder length, layered and wavy/frizzie
my nails are: are in need of a manicure, but I tore one today really short...ouch
my clothes are: pink and black jersey pjs :)
my mood is: bored and a bit depressed
my spirit is: calm
my big To Do is: finish christmas shopping and grocery shopping
my fitness level is: better than it has been in many years
my worst habit is: avoiding what I know I need to do(copying Aut...maybe she learned from me...sorry Aut)
my house looks: okay, glad we aren't having company anytime soon (I will vaccuum tomorrow though)
my marriage is: at a point of growth
my car is: a salsa red 2005 toyota sienna...I love it
my children are: a great blessing to me, I love having all of them in AR even for a short time
my local weather is: cold
my dream destination is: heaven

Aut, Thanks for the idea and encouragement to blog...I need that!