1 Peter 4:9 says "show hospitality to one another without grumbling. Then again in Romans 12:13 "Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.
Yes, it is practicing hospitality. I love being around people, getting to know them and talking BUT I am so weird about it if they are coming to my house. The Lord has provided a nice home for us, so it isn't that. It is me...it is pride and fear of man. What will I talk about, will something burn, will I remember to make sure the tp is full? What if they don't like what I prepare, what if they get bored or we run out of things to talk about? What if my nervousness comes across and they begin to be uncomfortable because of my paranoia? Maybe silly questions but that is where I am. This has been something on my heart for over a year. Now, don't get me wrong, having family over? no problem, having close friends over? no problem. I don't feel the need to impress them. If they need tp they will ask or find it themselves. This is an area I need to grow in and I really think God in His love is going to teach me :) Here is why: the other day my sis-in-law, Melissa called and said there was a homeschooling family from Harrison down here in Little Rock. They had a family memeber in the hospital and there was another family member who needed a place to stay the night. AAAHHH All the verses about practicing hospitality and entertaining strangers came to mind. "Let me call Richard and double check with him." Of course he said yes. So I spent the day worrying about this person coming to my house. Would I make her comfortable especially considering what was going on in her life? I hope I did make her comfortable. We had a nice little visit. All this to say: God is good. He teaches His children what they need when they need it and takes them out of their comfort zone to teach them. I need to get out of the comfort zone and start practicing hospitality. So if you think about it will you pray for me? Thanks :D
I am so proud of you.......for blogging and for allowing God to get you out of your comfort zone! You are growing and that is what matters. Pray for me.......my eating is horrible right now!
Since we have moved to Tallahassee, we have tried to step it up a notch on having people in our home. We try to have someone new in our home once a week. Let me tell you, it has been a huge blessing. In our opinion, you really don't get a chance to know someone until you are in their home or they are in your home.
A couple of tips I have found helpful is to consider having just one or two meals that you make well and are that easy. Prepare the same meal every time (or every other time) you have company. That way you know the routine and there are few unforeseen problems with food not turning out well. If you always try to have the ingredients for those meals on hand, you don't have to feel the preasure of a special grocery shopping trip just for your "company" meal.
Also, we have scheduled company two nights in a row several times. I have found that if I just make double of everything the first day, all I have to do is pop some dishes in the oven on the following evening. Of course, we don't mind eating the same meal twice, but you might!!!
Another thing that I like to do and have seen others do it well is to invite two or more couples over at the same time. This gives everyone the opportunity to get to know each other, allows others to share the cooking load with you, and helps you feel better about the conversation not lagging (since your company can visit with each other as well).
I enjoyed your post. I have been working on this area as well. A little effort has been such a huge blessing to us in adjusting to a new place and a new church.
P.S. I am coordinating a share and swap here at our new church. I miss the "old days" of sorting clothes with you! That was one of our best opportunities to visit with each other.
I am proud of you, too. I know how hard it is for you to get out of your comfort zone, but I know that hospitality comes very natural with you. We always love coming to your house. My problem is keeping my house picked up enough to where I feel okay about having others over. By the time I get the house cleaned, there is no strength left in me to prepare food. Pray for me that I, too, would be obedient in showing hospitality. Luv ya bunches!
Well, we were blessed by your hospitality last night... and the conversation was so good that we didn't even get to play games (which is just fine). Thanks for inviting us over.
Kathy, I can't imagine that you are uncomfortable having guests! You are a very gracious hostess! Rich and I felt very welcome and your meal was yummy! We had a wonderful time at your lovely home. Thanks to you and Richard for having us over! - - Marta
I struggle with this,too...for selfish reasons. I have had to make myself to do this because it does not come naturally!
i will pray for you. please read and participate at http://bclr1530.blogspot.com/
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