Sunday, January 10, 2010


I've been thinking about my blog a lot lately.  I think of things to write but then wonder if it matters if I blog.  Most of the time the things I think about to write are just short little things.  I've wondered why people blog, why I blog, why I want to blog.  Maybe I need to just get on here and ramble like I'm doing right now :)

I've been angry with myself.  Three years ago I worked hard and lost a lot of weight.  I was very diligent to follow weight watchers for nine months, then I went on a trip and ever since then I have watched that weight come back, even though I have still attended the meeting!!!!  Just before the new year I got on the scale and had regained all but 8lbs of the weight I lost.  I guess that was finally enough and I have returned to weight watchers...not just the meetings but actually doing the program...eating appropriately and exercising.  Can I say I love our Wii!!  So since Dec. 29 I've been "on program".  If nothing else I'm feeling better emotionally, knowing I'm eating healthfully and exercising.

Next topic:
I started reading "365 day with John Newton".  I'm using in for my evening devotion.  The first four days were taken from a passage in 1 Chronicles, not sure exactly where and I don't want to get up to find out :)  They also went along with the song "Amazing Grace".  Some thoughts were, Who am I, not as in "I'm searching for myself, who am I?" but "who am I, that God would look at me, just some dirt."  The more I think about it the more I'm amazed.  I know I will never be able to wrap my mind around those thoughts... How could God, creator and sustainer of all things, love me, choose me.... Amazing Grace it is tooo amazing!

Other thoughts:
I can't believe Hope only has three semesters left of my schooling her.  She is so much fun.  I'm so grateful to God for her.  She isn't perfect, none of us are, but she is a joy and I'm so glad God gave her to me(us) 16 years ago.  Last night was homecoming and she looked so beautiful.  I'll post pictures once I get them uploaded from the computer.

Well, I think I'm out of thoughts.... I'm going to strive to blog more often this year... we will see :)


Jennifer said...

What are you doing on the Wii for exercise? I need to do something, too, but about the only thing I can do is walk and I'm not good about carving out time for that. I need to lose at least 25 pounds (but I'd really like to lose more like 35 pounds). I know I need to get back into WW or something similar, too. WW worked well for me before my thyroid surgery. Now... I'm not sure what will work.

Gina said...

I need to do something about my weight, too. I've gained back 30 of the 60 I'd lost after Elizabeth was born. Ugh. Hate weighing as much as I did when each kid was born. Need to get back to the low fat lifestyle and exercising.

Do you have Wii Fit or Wii Active? I've heard good things about both - and now that we have a Wii, I'm thinking about saving up for one of the bundles.

Hope only has a year and a half left? She's a JUNIOR? Seriously? WHEN did that happen?!! I know it's going to be me soon...

Who am I, indeed. Of course, I can't get through the song of the month this month without absolutely losing it...because that is not my heart - want it to be, am working toward it, but it's not always my heart.

Becky Arnold said...

Girlfriend! I am SOOO glad you are back. I check your blog often. I, too, need to lose about 35 pounds. Lost about 12 right before Christmas, but have gained about 8 back. Maybe we all need to do a blog together encouraging each other and holding each other accountable?????? I need you guys! Love ya!


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Chante Tenoso said...

I think blogging is good for the soul and a great way to share yourself with others while not being obligated to...Does that make sense?

I blog because I like to share what I'm experiencing with as many people as possible.

I like to read blogs because it's like meeting new and interesting people all the time. I also learn new things from blogs.


Dawn said... school Hope, huh? Funny way to put it, though I know what you mean. Way to jump back on the WW train and persevere! I've been excited to hear your progress as of late!