Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A lightbulb moment

Those of you who read this know how fearful I am when it comes to flying. I'm flying to California in a week. I hate being afraid of flying...it is exhausting. This morning Richard asked me what he could pray for today. I told him that I was doing pretty well in dealing with my fear until I heard that Autumn had a bad flight yesterday. Since then it has been a horrible fight, in my mind. We talked a few minutes...actually he talked and I wasn't liking what he said. He was telling how to fix things...I was experiencing the Eve syndrome, you know, wanting to lord it over my husband and not have him tell me what to do. BUT GOD (aren't those wonderful words) intervened in my heart. Richard was telling me that I wasn't really dealing with my fear just simply repressing it until the day when I had a right to be fearful, that I was thinking wrong thoughts, even though they seemed the right thoughts and prayers even. He said to overcome the fear I needed to not deal with the fear but deal with God, which I thought I was doing. Then he said, what was so simple but so profound, that I need to come to a place where if I crash in a plane regardless of the result (life or death) that it is okay b/c that is what God wills. As I pondered this I started thinking about Jesus in the garden...He prayed for "this cup to pass but not my will but Thine" I don't know if Jesus was afraid in the garden but ultimately He wanted God's will. As I contemplated more I realized that if I truely want God's will and REALLY believe that He will only allow what is best for me, even if it is living through a plane crash and all that goes with that, then there is no room for fear. This is harder to put on "paper" than I thought it would be. Let me see...........If I really want God's will I won't be afraid. That still doesn't convey what is in my heart. It also has to do with trust and submission. Jesus completely trusted the Father and was totally submitted to Him. In my fear there is lack of trust and submission....yes, I get on the planes that I have to get on but my heart is still on the ground. I am needing to want God's will and submit to it, trusting that it is all good, no matter what...when I get to that place the fear will be gone because I will have replaced it with what is truely right. I want to be in that place...pray for me


Dawn said...

Now that was a GREAT post to read...especially by my mom. At first I wished I hadn't told you about her flight...but now I see that it was good I did. :-) No worries. In addition to your new found resolve to trust and submit, it will most likely be sunny by the time you and Nonie fly out. It's BRIGHT sunshiny today!

Anonymous said...

We'll be praying for a smooth flight, Mrs. F. We want you to see your grandbaby as much as you do!

Susan said...

I'll be praying for you. I am also not a good flyer...but I KNOW that God will raise you up on Eagle's wings and the airplane wings as you fly...Even though I am a stranger, I'll be praying for you as well.

Autumn said...

Ah, you seem to be working through a lot of the heart issues I had to work through while ON that plane. The Lord actually took me to the place of submission where I was prepared to meet Him in the next few minutes. It was the first time I have ever been able to relinquish "control" of my husband and children and their possible future without me.. and to TRUST GOD that He would take care of them and accomplish His purposes in their lives regardless of my presence. Not pleasant thoughts, but definitely higher thoughts. Being in a plane helps me with seeing the bigger picture, but boy that flight took me where I've never gone before! I'll be praying for smooth sailing for you guys.

Susan said...

I want to say that I am still praying for you. I also wanted to leave you this link to an article that my cousin just sent me about Christian singer
Sara Groves . It sure made me reconsider my fears and how they keep me from doing God's will sometimes!!

Autumn said...

you should post some good news soon, when you get a minute :)