I am back in Arkansas. God graciously said yes to all my prayers for travel and my time in California. He provided peace the whole time prior to flying. I even slept soundly the night before, that has never happened before. The flights from Little Rock to San Jose were very smooth. I did get a little lost in the DFW airport only because I misunderstood where my next gate was. Let me tell you there is no Gate C34 at DFW :) I had plenty of time to get to the correct gate, grab a cup of coffee and call my mom and Richard to let them know I was in Dallas. From DFW to San Jose, I had prayed for a good seatmate. I sat next to a sweet girl (well, young woman) who was on her way back to CA. She had just moved there 2 weeks before and had been home to visit family and "walk the platform" to get her Master's degree in physical therapy. We literally talked for 3 hours. She comes from a christian background (a preacher's daughter) Some things happened in their family that left a really bad taste in her mouth for all things christian. We talked about the sovereignty of God and how he is in control of the bad things and they happen for a reason. Another great thing about sitting next to her was God used her not only to help me concentrate on something other than myself and flying but He also used her to prepare me for Dawn's reaction to my new self. I haven't blogged about it but I have lost alot of weight since January. B (my seatmate) told me that her dad had lost a lot of weight from one time she saw him to the next. She thought he was sick and she was concerned for him. Dawn knew I was losing weight but she was still overwhelmed. She cried. She said she wouldn't have recognized me...I have changed alot and she hasn't seen me like this in over 19 years.
My time in California was precious to me. Getting to know Judah, playing with him was all sweet times for me. I haven't laughed so much in I don't know how long. Matt is very funny and makes it easy to laugh and we seem to think the same things are funny. I am so grateful to the Lord for allowing me the time to be with them and giving me a husband who was/is willing to sacrifice for his family that way. Twelve days is a long time for a couple to be apart. (Autumn knows all about that, multiplied!)
My flights home were just as smooth at the ones out. I know most people aren't liking the really hot weather but it does make for smooth flying :) I got to see a lady lose it at the Dallas airport and security had to be called...interesting but sad.
I miss Judah and Elijah (Dawn and Matt too). For some reason though, I can't figure out why, I just cry when I think of Elijah's sweet face, smell, and the feel of his head when I kiss him. I absolutely fell in love with that tiny guy. I'm sure glad I don't have to wait to long to see them all again. We are helping them move into their new apartment in MD in September. How many days, Matt??? I leave you with this, enjoy :)

And this :) I couldn't resist. Big brother/Little brother
I'm so glad your traveling time went well. I prayed for you! I like the fact that you said God gave you something to think about besides your self...very profound! We all need God to help us with that...not just in doing scary things, but life in general! I pray the words you spoke with the young lady on the plane was helpful and encouraging to her!
The babies are so sweet! I'm glad you had such a wonderful time with them!
I'm so happy to have sweet Hope in my small group! I will be praying for her and if there is ever anything I can do, please let me know! You have such a sweet family!
so glad your time in CA went well and especially for a smooth flight, ahh the small graces that the Lord blesses us with! Our recent trip home (yesterday) was less than smooth and in the middle of a minor panic attack I just thought to myself, "what are you really afraid of? Death? Nope. Besides do you really think the Lord is out of control of these small bumps in the air?" That seemed to help, but I still didn't like it! Sometimes we just have to preach to ourselves, but even better to have a friend to distract you!
You have really great looking grandkids, and you look fantastic yourself!
I have been thinking about you and am so grateful that God allowed you such a pleasant trip. Enjoy those Grandbabies!
Praise God for His kindness to you during your travels. I am so glad that you enjoyed some great time surrounding the birth of another grandbaby. My mom has come for pretty long visits surrounding the birth of each of my girls. It was a really precious time...and, yes, it is a huge sacrifice for the rest of the family who is left behind! You will probably remember those special times for many, many years to come.
Thanks for praying for Jewel. She is starting to do a little better. We finally put her on an antibiotic after a week of sporatic fever. Her cough is still lingering, but everything else seems to be doing better.
We miss Bible Church TERRIBLY. The other night when we were listening to a recent sermon of Lance's (that we downloaded off the website) I just started crying a little thinking that we would not be sitting under his teaching/voice anymore. But God is faithful, and has given us a church body here.
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