Ah, Christmas day :) It began actually Saturday evening. I made sure Richard, Hope and I showered Saturday so Matt, Dawn, Autumn and Andy could shower on Sunday morning. I was up early on Christmas to get ready for Jesus' Birthday Party (breakfast) This is a family tradition, that I actually had thought about stopping since it is sort of for little people but Dawn said it was one of her favorite traditions so we had it. I make 3 big pancakes, they represent God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We use red syrup (Jesus' blood) whipped cream (we are cleasned as white as "snow") a big candle (Jesus is the light of the world) then little candles for each person (we reflect Jesus' light) It was a little nerve-wracking letting the little ones light their candle then try to put them in the "cake". The only one burned was ME :)
After breakfast it was time for presents (oh I forgot, we let the kids open presents from non-parents on Christmas eve, to save time on Christmas morning) Another tradition is we start with the youngest person and they get to open their presents while everyone watches, then the next oldest and so on. That way there is not really any present opening frenzy and people who enjoy watching others open presents get to do that. I hope to it helps teach us all to be less greedy and self-centered.
Next was time for church. The grandchildren all had yucky noses and Aut and Andy didn't feel great. As we were leaving Hope said she didn't feel well either, so they all stayed home. Church was good...as usual.
Now the real fun began, after church Richard was talking to some friends and found out they were without extended family for the holiday so he invited them to come eat with us. He is very thoughtful. I confess I wasn't thrilled at first...umm, did I make a comment earlier about learning to not be self-centered??? :) I got a lesson. (I must have hidden my frustration because he thanked me later for handling the situation so well. I say thank you LORD for putting the guard on my mouth) So we get home and Aut and Andy had straightened up the house (Thank you!!!!) I got to work on getting the tables set up (we had 28 for dinner), the sweet potatoe casserole started and checked the turkey. I need to mention I had debated whether to put the turkey in the oven before church or after since we were eating late. As you will find out, it was a good thing in went in before church. Mom and Dad came and Mom started helping in the kitchen...she is in charge of mashed potatoes, gravey, rolls. So we are working and about 2:30 I check the turkey again. It is beautiful and the little button thingy is popped up so it is ready :) I ask Mom if I should take it out or leave it in the oven to stay warm. As we debate that issue, there is an explosive sound outside and we loose power. Hence the good reason to have the turkey in the oven before church (God is SSSSOOOO in control, and I'm glad) I look at my mom and say "this is fun" That was a good response on my part because Christmas is pretty stressful for me. So we call people and tell them what happen and dinner may be delayed. I called the electric company and they say it will be between 4:20 and 5:20 before we have power restored. Richard says we should take what needs to be cooked to Mom's and finish cooking there then bring it back to our house. Which we do...20 after we are at Mom's Matt calls and says the power is back on :P Well, we stay and finish cooking everything, except the rolls, which we haul raw back to our house (this is the rolls third trip of the day :) ). We get home, get everything on the table and sit down. (When you have been cooking, there is nothing like sitting down). The meal was good, as usual, our family has really good cooks and we all help.
After dinner comes more presents, starting with the youngest. This is really chaotic. We still start with the youngest and go to the oldest. It seems the older we all get the harder it is to remember who was born when so who is next :) But we always seem to figure it out :) Soon after presents it it pie time, Dad's contribution to the day. He is the pie expert. Of course, none of us really have room but we eat it anyway and it is wonderful. Then of course everyone sits around like yard dogs. Well, the adults do, the kids play and rough house.
Soon, those who are not staying with us head home...rough housing kids make for sleepy kids :) It was a fun day, a spiritually growing day (for me), a stressful day, a noisy day but it wouldn't be Christmas any other way and I wouldn't want it any other way :)