to my 19 year old nephew, Cory. He died this morning apparently from complications from pneumonia. Cory live at the Conway Human Developement Center in Conway. I just thought I would make a list of things I remember about him.
Snakes: He loved snakes, the rubber kind :) If you wanted him to look at a real one he wanted nothing to do with it because he was afraid of them. He got a box of snakes for Christmas, rubber ones :)
Handcuffs: He loved these too...not sure why.
He loved to help around the house...taking out the trash, clearing the table. He had a job in Conway, where he lived helping in restraunts clearing tables. He loved his job :) He helped Christmas day too, that was nice.
He loved his mom, Janet. He would follow her around the house like a puppy.
He loved his home, the Conway development center. It was structure for him so it was security. When he was here in Little Rock, he knew when he wanted to go home.
He enjoyed Dune, our dog, on Christmas day. Cory was sooo gentle with Dune, but you could tell he was like a little kid...he liked Dune so much he wanted to squeeze him...almost to death:)
His smile, Cory always had a smile ready. He also would come and pat people on the back in greeting.
Music: Cory loved to sing. When he would be visiting and would attend church he would join in the singing. He was also sensitive to music...Kenny G would make him cry
I'm sad Cory is gone. Cory was autistic and had other developmentle delays...he was about a 4 year old in a 19 year old body. I will miss him. I trust God that Cory is now perfect and worshipping our true and loving Lord....in song :)
I am very sad that Cory is gone. My day has been spent mostly in shock, with waves of sadness and grief. I wonder how eternal life applies to people with developmental delays...
I miss you, Cory!
I feel the same, Aut. MacArthur did a sermon on babies going to heaven and lightly touched on special needs people. A very hard to understand area of Scripture. Especially since we do not know 1) the mind of God 2) The mind of special needs people.
I realized all we can do is trust that God is in control of his eternity.
McArthur addressed this issue in his book "Safe in the Arms of God". Pray for Janice, Nonie is going to give her that book to read. Also, Caelan is taking this VERY hard.
thanks for the kind thoughts, words, and remembrences of Cory. You have brought smiles and tears to me. love you soooooooooo much,
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