Thursday, April 27, 2006

Mercy: Not getting what I deserve

Last night I was reading in my Bible, I'm in Luke right now. I have come to Jesus' arrest and trial. As I was reading about Him being mocked and beaten I became overwhelmed with what that meant. So often, I think we read scripture and we don't really engage our brains or hearts. I began to think about what Jesus endured. Mock: to treat with ridicule or contepmt; deride (thank you They were doing this to Him. We don't know all they said or did but, we do know they blindfolded Him and then hit Him asking Him to tell them who hit Him. Oh, what He could have done to them! He didn't and it was for me. From the other gospels we know they spit on Him. Think about offensive is that. What if someone were to spit on you? Even once. I gather they spit on Him over and over. All this was before Caiaphas the high priest...then He was sent to Pilate. After being questioned by Pilate, while the chief priests and crowd continually accused Him, Jesus was sent to Herod. Herod was excited, only because he wanted Jesus to perform a "sign". It would seem Herod was looking for some circus act so he could be entertained. Here Herod and his soldiers mocked Jesus. Think of all of this...being hit with fists, slapped, mocked, teased, having thorns pushed into your head, being spit on. Even one of these things is something I can't imagine having to endure but He did...for me. It should have been me being beaten, spit on, mocked, teased and we haven't even gotten to the crucifiction yet. All this done for me because He loved me, not only did Jesus love me but God the Father also. Our worship pastor recently talked about how God the Father has loved us all along. Jesus' death didn't result in God the Father's love for me. Jesus' death was because of the Father's love for me Yet I still sin over and over. I agree with Paul...I am a wretched man...a worm. I need to remember what Christ suffered for me, not just see it as words on a page. My heart is crying out "MARANATHA!!!!"

1 comment:

Autumn said...

glad you are digging in the Word and engaging your heart and brain. :)