A - Available or single: Neither - I'm married. I thought single meant available?(left Gina's answer, it was a good one :)
B - Best friend: Besides my husband, hmm, that is a hard one...my mom or Kay or Jennifer or...
C - Cake or pie: can I have my cake and pie too??
D - Drink of choice: Coffee in the morning, tea or water in the evening, when out to dinner with my hubby for special occasions a glass of white zin.
E - Essential item you use everyday: Deodorant
F - Favorite color: Pink, Red or Purple
G - Gummy bears or worms: Bears
H - Hometown: Hometown as in now? Central AR. Where I grew up? Southern AZ
I- Indulgence: Spending to much time on the Computer
J - January or February: February...Valentine's Day and some flowers start to bloom
K - Kids & names: Three - Autumn Lea, Dawn Marie and Hope Renee'
L - Life is incomplete without? God
M - Marriage date: August 20, 1988
N - Number of siblings: 4, 1 sister 3 brothers... all younger than me
O - Oranges or apples: Apples with peanut butter
P - Phobias or fears: Flying
Q - Fave quote: I don't know that I have a favorite quote. I'll think about it and get back to you
R - Reason to smile: My children and grandchildren :)
S - Season: I love them all, they each have a special attraction to me.
T - Tag 3 or 4 people: Dawn, Autumn and....Tracie in TN, you know who you are...I still can't access your blog :)
U - Unknown fact about me: You want me to give away deep dark secrets??? I used to be an alcoholic...BUT GOD :)
V- Vegetable you don't like: Lima beans blah, shiver
W - Worst habit: is a bad habit the same as a sin?? I really spend to much time on the computer, I know I have mentioned that twice now...does it give you an idea
X - Xrays: Well, my husband reads them so they are a good thing for us ;)
Y - Your fave food: A good steak with tiger dill sauce from Outback
Z - Zodiac sign: Libra if it really matters. I happen to think it doesn't
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
Christmas 2006
Praise God for His most indescribable gift!!!! He alone is worthy of praise not just today but everyday. May each of you have a joy-filled Christmas day as you celebrate the birth of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. My prayer for each of us is that at this time next year we will be walking more closely with, finding more joy in and loving more deeply the Lord of glory. For those who read this who may not know the Lord of glory, I pray that this time next year you will know Him as your Lord and Savior.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Christmas Questions...Answered

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? My husband's egg nog milkshakes, adult or non-adult version is fine with me.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree? who is Santa??
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? Colored...although I could be convinced to go white I'm sure.
4. Do you hang mistletoe? We don't need misletoe to get/give kisses here :)
5. When do you put your decorations up? Usually the first weekend in December
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? hmmm, that is hard. My mom's stuffing, Janet's layered salad, my sweet potato casserole
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? Opening Jojo and Edbaby's presents on Christmas eve after we decorated the tree
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I have no idea
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? We did when I was little, but not now
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? various balls, Hope's ornaments from Nonie and Gramps, quite a few ornaments that explain the reason for Christmas, irridesent beads and a gold crown of thorns to remind us why Jesus came...the crown is my favorite ornament

11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? If I've no place to go and it's warm inside, let it snow.
12. Can you ice skate? umm, not sure I've ever tried
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? growing up a doll my mom made, when I was 16 the Hope Chest my dad made and as an adult...not sure there have been alot
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Family.
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? my Dad's pecan pie
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Pancake breakfast; new Christmas pj's;
17. What tops your tree? a gold crown of thorns
18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving? Both.
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? O Holy Night...especially when it is sung by T. Murray
20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum? I can take them or leave them
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Okay, okay....I'm blogging
My goodness go five or six weeks without blogging and...well, people threaten to stalk you :)
Let me see since the last time I really blogged (blog things don't count). My life really isn't all that exciting. I have been busy with school with Hope and cheerleading. She is a cheerleader for the Pulaski County Flames
This was at her most recent game. I am surprised and how much I enjoy the games. I thought I would be more interested in wathcing the girls cheer but I'm finding I get quite caught up in the games. They are really fun.
Thanksgiving was good. Autumn, Andy and the kids came down from Cleveland and Dawn, Matt and Judah flew in from California(on a plane, for all you funny people out there). They all spent the day with the Little Rock Family, while Richard,Hope and I went to Texarkana, like we always do. The plan was to get up Friday morning and decorate the tree/house for Christmas. Have Christmas on Saturday morning and then New Year's Day on Saturday afternoon (Beans and corn bread by Nonie). Well, when the girls and their families got home someone said something about presents. Autumn and Dawn looked at me with somewhat puppydog eyes. I said "if we open presents tonight we are not decorating tomorrow" They said fine, so it really is all about the presents ;) So we opened presents

It was fun and I think everyone really enjoyed what they got. It was great having everyone here. The one sad note( we actually had two, Autumn had a misscarriage while she was here. She had just found out that she was pregnant. Unfortunately I don't think I was very supportive :( my bad) was that all three of the Bruckman kids got sick with a horrid cold or something. I think they are still recovering. One night Hailey really scared us. We thought we were going to have to take her to the ER but at the last moment her breathing eased and she stopped choking. I think the Lord intervened on her behalf (Thank you, Father). Judah started getting sick the day they went home. After everyone was home Autumn, Andy, Dawn, Matt and I got sick. THEN (drum roll) Dawn called and asked "can I take sudafed if I'm pregnant?" Yes, Dawn is expecting again :) Judah and the baby will be 17 months apart. So, Dawn was sick, then found out she was pregnant then called today to say that the doctor thinks she has the flu :P I wish there was something that could transport you around (think star trek) I could go help Dawn, then go help Autumn with the move...OH I forgot to mention AUTUMN AND ANDY ARE MOVING TO LITTLE ROCK!!!!!!! My word, how could I forget that. (Aut, please forgive your dense mom...you may have an idea of why I'm a bit fuzzy typing this. hehe) The Bruckmans will be moving to LR the first of the year. This is an answer to my prayers...ones that I thought were impossible for God to answer (again, my bad) I'm so grateful that He is faithful even when we are not.
Okay, so I'm thinking about what I have written and everyone should be caught up with my girls :) Maybe that is why I don't blog often...I don't really have anything to blog about me...maybe that isn't important. I am learning alot in our sunday school class on marriage...but I will save that for another blog :D I will leave you with pictures of the most adorable little people

I hope you all enjoy this...who knows when I'll blog again...oh yes, I forgot about THE STALKER!!!!
Let me see since the last time I really blogged (blog things don't count). My life really isn't all that exciting. I have been busy with school with Hope and cheerleading. She is a cheerleader for the Pulaski County Flames

Thanksgiving was good. Autumn, Andy and the kids came down from Cleveland and Dawn, Matt and Judah flew in from California(on a plane, for all you funny people out there). They all spent the day with the Little Rock Family, while Richard,Hope and I went to Texarkana, like we always do. The plan was to get up Friday morning and decorate the tree/house for Christmas. Have Christmas on Saturday morning and then New Year's Day on Saturday afternoon (Beans and corn bread by Nonie). Well, when the girls and their families got home someone said something about presents. Autumn and Dawn looked at me with somewhat puppydog eyes. I said "if we open presents tonight we are not decorating tomorrow" They said fine, so it really is all about the presents ;) So we opened presents

Okay, so I'm thinking about what I have written and everyone should be caught up with my girls :) Maybe that is why I don't blog often...I don't really have anything to blog about me...maybe that isn't important. I am learning alot in our sunday school class on marriage...but I will save that for another blog :D I will leave you with pictures of the most adorable little people

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