Okay, I left Hope in charge of the camera. She is taking a photagraphy class and she does have an eye for photography. I have pictures of Andrew(my great nephew?)and Hailey, my only granddaughter. I asked Hope about the lack of pics of the other kids and she said "the boys run so you can't get a picture of them and I was helping Hailey find eggs." So enjoy the pics I do have :)

Isn't he cute?!

And she is precious

I thought they were easy to find

a little of Camille in the background :)
Autumn is supposed to post some more pics so you can check
her blog for more pics if you want.
oh thank you! I have to get the camera from Andy so I can upload pics. I wish I had participated in the egg hunt but I had another dumb headache. And Hope is right...it is hard to get pics of the boys.
(go to my blog for a smile)
sweet pics
Who of the grandkids ISN'T precious and cute? ;-)
They are soooo cute! Love you!
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