Friday, March 28, 2008

A quote I must share

Jerry Bridges is one of my favorite authors. In our ladies bible study this week there is a quote by Jerry Bridges that I have to share. The reason I have to share is the quote so applies to where I am right now. I think I have posted before that I have been struggling since September with my eating properly. I have been very frustrated with myself and making excuse after excuse. I have to say eating isn't the only area where I am struggling with sin so this quote applies to several areas, I'm just not sharing all of them :) Anyway, a few weeks ago I came to the conclusion that my problem with eating is a sin problem, not a lack of water, jounaling or getting enough fruits and veggies. Then this morning when I was doing my bible study (Thank you, Lord for the push to discipline myself this morning) I came across this quote:

Sin tends to cloud our reason, dull our consciences, stimulate our sinful desires, and weaken our wills...each sin we commit reinforces the habit of sinning and makes it easier to give into that temptation the next time we encounter it.
That is exactly what has happened to me. In September we went on a trip, things didn't go as planned so it was a bit (not impossible) hard to eat properly. As the week wore on I made more and more bad choices, thinking "oh this is okay, when I get home I'll get back on track" Little did I know I was falling for a lie. The lie that I can sin and get away with it. All I was doing was feeding (no pun intended, really) my old sinful habits...lack of self-control, bowing to the idol of pleasure (I really like food, the flavors, the feel of it in my mouth etc). These sins, as I have continued to give into them, have definately clouded my reasoning, dulled my conscience, stimulated sinful desires (not only for food but laziness, and others) and weakened my will to fight and not give in. It has reinforced the habit of sinning and has made it easier to give in to temptation. Is it any wonder God hates sin? Oh that I would hate it as much or even a smidgen as much as God hates it. If the Lord brings me to your mind would you pray for me...that I would hate my sin and that I would fight, remembering that the weapons of my warfare are not of the flesh but are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses (2 corinthians 10:4) Thanks!


Autumn said...

I think I understand what you're saying, but be careful of extremes... pleasure IS okay! I believe God created things for us to enjoy! (of course I, of all people, know that we can OVERDO a good thing) Your heart issues and your thoughts toward food are between you and God. I'm not trying to discount what you've shared. Just a friendly reminder that God doesn't love you any less if you eat chocolate or cheese or... don't get me started! :)

Becky Arnold said...

Great post, Kathie. Thanks for sharing. I completely understand what you are saying. I am there a lot of the time. Love you!

Krista said...

Thanks for the heartfelt post. That is a great post by Jerry Bridges. I really miss the spiritually stimulating women's bible studies! And I will pray for you when the Lord brings you to mind. Knowing that there is no temptation that has not been experienced and conquered through the power of the Holy Spirit is a great comfort to me when I struggle with sin. Miss you!

Krista said...

I meant "great quote" by Jerry Bridges! Sorry!

Gail said...

Hey Kathie~

That is actually one of my favorite verses...I read something once that gave the visual of a levee surrounding the believer, and he/she constantly checking it for areas that have become weakened, and then shoring those areas up. The image presented was the enemy of our souls circling the "levee" and also looking for weak spots, and using those to break in and cause destruction.

As the Lord brings you to mind (and He does) I do pray...

Keep up the inspiring posts!

Grace Alone~


Gail said...

oops! I copied Kirsta...

I meant QUOTES!


Kay said...

I know what you mean, twin sister! I am starting back on this same journey this week. Every time I am tempted, I will pray that God will give us both strength to enjoy his provisions of good food, but not to let it become our idol.

Anita said...

great post! the thoughts you shared go along so well with the study i'm going through right now, "The Lord's Table." it has been so convicting to me, and it is so good at making it clear that our issues with food are really a lack self-control and not being filled with the Word and Spirit, and that is sin. food itself and enjoying food is not the sin, but overeating (gluttony) is. that's something our culture likes to white wash. thanks for sharing!

Dawn said...

Anita said it best! :-)

Even in the garden, God gave food that was good to eat and delightful to the senses. How many feasts did He institute for His people? And the marriage supper of the Lamb will be the greatest, most extravagant feast ever! God certainly intends for us to enjoy the food He provides.

To eat your fill when you are not hungry is gluttony. But what if you are not hungry and are offered a taste of some food? I don't think it would be sin to enjoy a taste. Just my opinion. Such a gray area!

I'll be prayin'! I am starting to recognize when I munch just to munch, so I'm beginning to understand where you're coming from!

Autumn said...

Noah (well, all of us actually...but especially Noah!) misses his Nini!!!!!!!