Monday, August 08, 2005

Can preping for VBS be suffering for Christ?

About two months ago I helped get out church ready for VBS. I spent 2-3 hours using a big paper cutter. For three days after that my elbow muscle twitched like crazy then the elbow began to hurt. It hasn't stopped. Today I went to the doctor, fully expecting to get a shot IN my elbow. Praise God the doctor said we could try physical therapy first. He also told me the shot would be painful. If therapy doesn't work (Lord, please let it work) I will have to get the shot. It was funny everyone asked "which elbow is it?" my right "are you right handed?" I wanted to say "duh!" but I didn't. Doesn't it stand to reason that it would be my dominant side that I would hurt? Well, I am praising God that I didn't have to get the least for now.

I'm taking Hope to have a tiny oral surgery, a frenectomy (the little piece of skin that holds your bottom lip up needs a little nip)

Yesterday's sermon was great, Jim Elliff spoke on James 4:13-17. You should listen to it


Autumn said...

Hope said she has 10 stitches! a "little minor" surgery? That's a lot of stitches for a small mouth!

Glad you didn't have to get the shot.

Jaclyn said...

My mom is having similar issues with her arma nd elbow... we have a friend who is a nurse tell her to ice it as much as she can stand. 20 minutes on ice every hour and after a day of that you should notice a great improvement. The soreness comes from a swollen muscle around a nerve from repetative movement... ice reduces swelling! I know you are a doctor's wife, but hey, maybe this will help!! :-D